How to Make RV Dinette More Comfortable?

how to make rv dinette more comfortable

As the motor home becomes popular, a lot of people have installed RVs, for those who wanted to travel with class and style. Traveling is tiring and stressful; thus, everyone does everything to keep their road trip as less hassle as possible. If you just recently purchased your RV dinette and you wish it to be comfortable for you and your guests, here are things on how to make RV dinette more comfortable you need to follow to achieve that comfy road adventure:

6 Methods to Make RV Dinette More Comfortable

1. Buy New Cushions


Of course, you wanted a comfortable seat while traveling or simply have some snacks in your RV. Most RV dinette chairs are made from soft materials while some are made from wood. If your RV chair is made from the latter, you won’t surely have the comfort you desire while on a road trip. However, you can remedy the same by purchasing cushions you can sit on or you can put on your back.

If you already have cushions at home, you can just reuse them for your motor home. However, if you want to achieve a certain style and wanted to purchase comfy cushions entirely, you can do so on Amazon, eBay, and Wayfair. There are various styles and sizes available there, and this is a wise option if you want a quick fix.

2. Have Your Cushion Reupholstered


If you are on a tight budget and buying new cushions is not an option, you can reuse old cushions professionally. Buy the fabric you wanted and go to your local seamstresses to re-cover your cushions. The good thing about this is that you can personally achieve the RV dinette design that you desire. You can even request embellishment for your seamstress.

On the other hand, if you can upholster your own cushion, the better. This may not be the quickest option, but this is definitely the cheapest.

3. Make Your RV Dinette Set a Sleeping Bed


If you don’t use your RV dinette set for dining, transform it into an additional sleep bed. In this way, you can maximize the space in your motor home and, at the same time, have that comfortable snooze while traveling. Transforming your dinette into a sleeping bed is best at night or in times when you wanted to sleep while you travel.

There are special foldable RVs you can easily transform into a bed. But, if you want to DIY, you can simply put together the table and dinette chairs to form a large mattress. Very easy, isn’t it?

4. Put Foam on Your RV Dinette Seat

You can never escape a bumpy road while traveling. Hence, a soft seat is a must. This will require some expenditure, but this is certainly worth every penny. Visit the nearest foam shop and purchase the softest foam you can get. Your seating experience will now be improved, and your most comfortable travel is surely guaranteed.

5. Arrange Your RV Dinette Set in Such a Way That You Can Relax Your Legs

Sometimes all you have to do to make yourself comfortable is to rearrange your RV. To achieve this, no money is required but an angled seating arrangement of your RV dinette set. You can push the table a little from the seats. A 12” by 12” tablespace from the angle is convenient. After doing so, there is now more legroom, as your dinette seat is now more spacious compared to before.

6. Remove the Table That Comes From Your Dinette Set


Once you do this, you will have a more capacious room. The more your motor home is capacious, the comfier it is because you can relax your whole body. You can also maximize the space by putting another seat. Don’t fret of not having a table for eating though, you can replace the original table with a foldable one.

When you are opting to travel again remove the foldable table. Get a lawn chair, and move it beside your dinette seat or recliner. You can definitely relax and travel nicely in this way.


Your RV dinette set is the highlight of your motor house living space. This is most likely where you will let a visitor rest once he/she visits or travel with you. For some, this can be their workspace, study area, place to eat, or spot to relax. Thus, comfort should be your priority when you think of designing or renovating it.

Follow this simple guide on how to make RV dinette more comfortable, and enjoy a comfortable adventure like no other.